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Egeria/ Elodea Densa

This plant is always a favorite amongst our customers!  Shrimp love it! Tanks love it! We love it! The cosmopolitan Egeria densa is a...
Featured Plants Pots Stem

Cryptocoryne Wendtii 'Tropica'

This beautiful variety with the dark, hammered leaves is named after 'Tropica'. When grown in an open space the leaves will virtually lie on...
T 109E
Crypt Featured Plants Pots Tropica Plants

Hygrophila Corymbosa 'Siamensis 53B'

Hygrophila corymbosa 'Siamensis 53B' is a variety of Hygrophila corymbosa 'Siamensis'. This Hygrophila 'Siamensis 53B' forms an incredible amount of side shoots and becomes...
Featured Plants Pots Stem Tropica Plants

Bacopa 'Compact'

This culture form of the stalk plant Bacopa Monnieri is more compact and, under good light conditions, almost a creeping plant. By pinching off...
T 044A
Featured Plants Pots Stem Tropica Plants

1-2-Grow! Staurogyne repens

Aquarium plant from tissue culture in closed cup. Staurogyne repens is a fresh green, compact and hardy plant for the foreground of the aquarium...
049G TC
1-2-Grow! Featured Plants Stem Tropica Plants

Limnophila hippuridoides

Limnophila hippuridoides is originally from Asia and the stalks grow to be 20-50 cm high and 6-10 cm wide – often with beautiful outwards...
Featured Plants Pots Stem Tropica Plants

Nymphoides hydrophylla 'Taiwan'

Nymphoides hydrophylla 'Taiwan' grows in Asia and Africa - and this variant of the species originates from southern Taiwan. The rosette plant can become 15-25...
T 041B
Bulb Featured Plants Pots Tropica Plants

Hygrophila Pinnatifida

Hygrophila pinnatifida originates from India. It obtains brown, patched leaves on the surface with a distinctive burgundy colour underneath. It forms multiple horizontal shoots...
T 051A
Featured Plants Pots Stem Tropica Plants

Cryptocoryne x willisii

This Cryptocoryne from Sri Lanka used (mistakenly) to be called Cryptocoryne nevillii, but this is the name of a species that has never been...
T 107
Crypt Featured Plants Pots Tropica Plants

Hottonia palustris

The stem plant Hottonia from Asia and Europe is an unassuming and easy beginner plant. The many curved shoots with fanned and intensely light...
T 027
Featured Plants Pots Stem Tropica Plants

Bacopa australis

Bacopa australis was discovered in southern Brazil (australis = southern), and it is not from Australia, as might otherwise be assumed from its name....
T 043A
Featured Plants Pots Stem Tropica Plants

Murdannia keisak

This bamboo-looking stem plant is not a grass. It comes from Asia, where it often grows in rice fields. The growth is upright, but the...
T 135
Featured Plants Pots Stem Tropica Plants

Hygrophilla Corymbosa 'Compact'

A very compact variety of Hygrophila Corymbosa 'Compact', with the leaves set close to the stalk. Forms numerous side shoots, enhancing the compact appearance....
T 052D
Featured Plants Pots Stem Tropica Plants

1-2-Grow! Cryptocoryne undulatus 'Red'

 Aquarium plant from tissue culture in closed cup. This red version of Cryptocoryne undulata grows wild in rivers of Sri Lanka. It is an easy plant,...
T 110B TC
1-2-Grow! Featured Plants Tropica Plants

Bucephalandra pygmaea 'Bukit Kelam'

In nature, Bucephalandra usually grows on rocks or wood in rivers and streams - much like Anubias, which they resemble regarding use and care...
Featured Plants Pots Rhizome Tropica Plants

Ludwigia palustris 'Green'

This plant is a variation of Ludwigia palustris 'Super Red' and has the same form and needs as its parent. It is an easy...
Featured Plants Pots Stem Tropica Plants

1-2-Grow! Glossostigma elatinoides

 Glossostigma elatinoides from New Zealand is much in demand in Japanese-inspired aquariums. It is one of the smallest aquarium plants (2-3 cm tall), and...
T 045A TC
1-2-Grow! Featured Plants Tropica Plants

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