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Echinodorus grisebachii 'Bleherae'

Echinodorus bleheri from South America is undemanding and beautiful and becomes 20-50 cm tall. A nutritious bottom promotes growth, but the plant needs pruning...
T 071
Pots Swords Tropica Plants

Lagenandra Meeboldii 'Red'

This plant is originally from India and is quite similar to a medium-sized, broad-leaved Cryptocoryne. It can be used in the aquarium like Cryptocorynes,...
T 103
Pots Swords Tropica Plants

Echinodorus 'Ozelot'

Echinodorus 'Ozelot' is a decorative hybrid between Echinodorus schluteri 'Leopard' and Echinodorus ‘Barthii’. 20-50 cm tall and a 20-40 cm wide rosette. Naturally, it...
T 073F
Featured Plants Pots Swords Tropica Plants

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